- Raise your voice to support Ukraine and express your solidarity with the people. It is already a year since the full-scale war started and all this time Ukrainian people have been fighting heroically to protect their homes and families from Russian invasion.
- Share the information about the situation in Ukraine and raise awareness of your local community about real facts on the Russian-Ukrainian war. Help your local communities to know what is happening on the territory of the country which was attacked by its neighbor. The war continues breaking all international conventions and agreements. In the 21st century, the era of the rapidly developing science and technologies, bombs are being thrown on the houses of peaceful people while the country is being made to give up on its hopes and dreams to build a society of the democratic values and freedoms. The most serious violation of the people and country’s rights is trying to block their growth and development by war actions and death threats.
- Think about the ways to contribute to the economical situation of the country. Ukrainians do not give up on their homeland, believe in their victory and work to support the economy of Ukraine. Despite all electricity cuts and broken chain supplies, they continue working at their jobs and do their best in fulfilling their duties.
Think what economic value you can add to support Ukrainians and the economy in the country.
How Can You Support The Economy Of Ukraine?
- There are still ways to make import-export activities of the goods. The production in some areas is going on, so you can think about purchasing the goods which are in need in your place.
- Ukrainians are diligent and responsible employees. Due to the high level of education which complies in its quality with European standards and professional culture, they fulfill their professional duties in a timely and reliable manner. Being creative and knowledgeable, they are open for new projects and ideas, able to support your business plans or make suggestions on its improvement. You can consider employing Ukrainians either on-site or in a remote mode to work in your business.
- You can think about ordering production or servicing on behalf of your business to be done by Ukrainians.Being highly educated and responsible, they can develop products and deliver services on behalf of your company while living in Ukraine or in the place of their temporary stay. In this way, your business will have good chances to expand and rich new markets.
- Due to the massive destruction in some areas, businesses and productions had to close their factories and facilities and start looking for ways of moving to other areas. You can sponsor business relocation to the area of your country and become a partner in coordinating the business from your side.
- Ukrainian culture is rich in music, literature, modern and folk arts. You can consider translating from Ukrainian to your local languages to enrich literature of your community with new plots and culture or bring your texts, movies, literature to the audience of Ukraine, translating them into Ukrainian.
- In the field of arts, there can be performances and concerts of Ukrainian actors and singers organized in your area. Movies and documentaries can be shot either on life in Ukraine or launching new projects of films, movies and documentaries on culture, life, science and technology, history and so on.
Uniting our efforts and supporting each other, we can finally reach a goal of establishing a sustainable peaceful future for us, our children and our planet as a whole.
A tragedy in one part of the world definitely affects all other areas and people in terms of peace, economy, sustainability of our life today and in the future.
The primary right of any human being is a right for life in peace.
This must be a driving force of all actions and plans for now and in the future.
We work to establish connections between Ukraine and Ukrainians, business organisations and institutions from different countries who would like to support Ukraine with new business opportunities and employment.
Please feel free to contact us with your suggestions for bringing your plans and ideas in life