Since the year of the company’s establishment in 2018, STARTINFORUM has been actively involved in educational activities and research, sponsoring IATELS – International Association for Technology, Education and Language Studies which has already become a world-known academic community comprising institutions and academicians from a big variety of countries.
Under the umbrella of IATELS, three conferences have been launched targeting the fields of Education and Technology (ICPATME), Language Studies, Translation and Education (LASTE) and Applied Psychology and Business Management (APBM).
LASTE was the conference initiated in 2018 and held in Istanbul for its first time.
The initiative to hold an international conference on languages and related issues was immediately grasped and supported by academicians and institutions from other countries including Netherlands, UK, Pakistan, Bolivia, and later on by the academicians from Iraq, Morocco, Taiwan, USA and other countries.
During the period of the global lockdown, the conference activities were transferred to the virtual environment and the conference organising committee was working to support the conference ideas and plans to revive them in their full extent after normalising the global conditions.
LASTE Chronology 2018 – 2020
- LASTE 2018 was held on 15-16 of November, in Istanbul (Turkey).
- LASTE 2019 was organised on 24-25 of October, 2019 in Izmir (Turkey).
- LASTE 2020 was held in a virtual mode on 1-3 of August, 2020 (Istanbul, Turkey)
In 2023, LASTE Came Back and Even Stronger Than It Used to Be

The conference was rebranded to ICLTE preserving the traditions of LASTE and giving it a new force with a focus on enhancing international collaboration and international projection in the field of research and education, concerning languages, translation, and technologies related to the language production and processing.
Comprising more than 150 participants from Turkey, India, Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, Ireland, Albania, Ireland, UK, Romania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Malta, ICLTE 2023 has become a truly international academic event broadcasting ideas, research, visions and plans worldwide.
The main partners of the conference – Galgotias University (India), Akademik Koleji (Turkey) and EDUSIMSTEAM International Project supported by the Ministry of Education in Turkey – made significant contribution to organising the conference, supporting the event with their institutional infrastructure, researchers and missionary visions.

During the conference sessions, the speakers presented their studies of urgent problems of the language studies, shared their expertise and philosophies of dealing with the problems of translation, came up with approaches and practices within language learning and educatin.
An exceptional place was occupied by the topic of artificial intelligence in education and namely in language studies presented by Dr. Piet Kommers (Netherlands), Dr. Patrick Camilleri (Malta), Prof. Dr. Rusudan Makhachashvili (Ukraine), Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Rajasekaran (India), Assoc. Prof., and Dr. Elankovan A Sundararajan (Malaysia).
Another remarkable block of presentations and discussions was comprised by the academicians from the EDUSIMSTEAM team Dr. Michael Hallissy (“H2 Learning”, Dublin, Ireland) and Prof. Dr. Erdinç Çakıroğlu (TED University, Turkey).
The presenters discussed the main ideas of the EDUSIMSTEAM project, the challenges of the STEAM education and their visions of its implementation in schools internationally.
All the presentations and speeches reflected on the urgent issues in language studies, translation and education and arose a lot of interest among the participants.
The specific aim and feature of the conference was enhancement of the international collaboration and boosting project activities within language studies embracing participants of the conference.
The aim was successfully achieved at the sessions of Discussion and Projection where the participants were invited to brainstorm on the urgent needs in their countries, current research gaps, educational requirements and other related issues which helped them highlight the topics for future projects and mutual studies.
During the sessions of Discussion and Projection, the academicians mapped roads for developing training programs and courses, writing and publishing books, partnering in future conferences and programs, conducting mutual research and publishing join papers.
The conference became a true success for its organisers and participants opening more horizons for future projects and programs to be done collaboratively.
Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Iryna Sekret (Turkey), the Conference Chair, for professional coordination and scientific development of the conference concept, Prof. (Dr.) Anuradha Parasar (India) for organisational contribution and inspiration, Mr. Utku Perincek (Turkey) for organisational contribution and coordination of the participation of Akademik Koleji in the conference.
Special thanks to the session chairs – Dr. Peter Williams (UK), Prof. Dr. Ilknur Istifci (Turkey), Dr. Lorena Robo (Albania), Prof. Dr. Rusudan Makhachashvili (Ukraine), Assist. Prof., Haritha R. Unnithan (India), Dr. Dorela Kaҫauni (Albania).
Very high appreciation from the conference organising committee to the workshop presenters Dr. Phil Mullen (UK),Dr. Dorela Kaҫauni (Albania) and Dr. Lorena Robo (Albania).
STARTINFORUM team is happy to stay behind a scene of this triumphal academic event and works for more international projects and programs in future.
For partnership and collaboration, please feel free to contact us by filling out the form below.