Russia-Ukraine War 2022 – 2023 : Statistics & Facts
On February 24, 2022, Russia started a massive invasion of Ukraine attaching most of its main cities, starting from Kyiv, the capital of the country.
Attacks by Russian forces were reported in major cities across all Ukraine, including Berdyansk, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Odesa and Sumy.
According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), over 7.1 thousand deaths of civilians in Ukraine have been verified during the war as of February 2023.

8 Facts To know About Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine
Fact 1: Russia planned military aggression against Ukraine in advance. The Victory of the Revolution of Dignity in 2014 was only a convenient pretext
Russia launched its well-planned armed aggression against Ukraine on 20 February 2014 with the military operation of its Armed Forces on seizing a part of the Ukrainian territory — Crimean peninsula. The war actions continued on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk with Russia insisting to seize the Ukrainian lands and keep Ukraine under control. On 24 of February, 2022, a full scale war started with an aim to take all the territory of Ukraine under control and keep it submissive to Russian politics.
Fact 2: Russian Aggression Aimed At Destroying Ukraine As An Independent State
Illegal occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol was just the first Russian step aimed at undermining independence and sovereignty of Ukraine. The Kremlin has always been firmly convinced that Russia will never become a world leader without control over Ukraine, meanwhile a democratic and prosperous Ukraine is a threat to the current authoritarian rule in Russia.
Fact 3: Military Aggression Is Just One Element Of Russian Hybrid Warfare Against Ukraine
Military aggression is just one element of the Russian hybrid warfare against Ukraine. Other elements encompass:
1) Propaganda based on lies and falsifications; 2) Trade and economic pressure; 3) Energy blockade; 4) Terror and intimidation of Ukrainian citizens; 5) Cyber attacks; 6) A strong denial of the very fact of war against Ukraine despite large scope of irrefutable evidence; 7) Use of pro-Russian forces and satellite states in its own interests; 8) Blaming the other side for its own crimes.
Fact 4: Courage Of Ukrainians And Solidarity Of The International Community Stopped Russian Invasion.
Courageous Ukrainian soldiers, National Guard and other defense and law enforcement servicemen stopped the active phase of the Russian military invasion against Ukraine.
Numerous documents in support of Ukraine’s territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders were approved by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and other international organizations.
Political and economic sanctions are the most effective tool of pressure on the aggressor state. They significantly reduced the possibility of a large-scale invasion and forced Russia to sit at the negotiating table, in particular within the Trilateral Contact Group (Ukraine and Russia are parties to the conflict, the OSCE is a mediator) and Normandy Quartet (Ukraine and Russia are parties to the conflict, France and Germany are mediators). A decision to ease or lift the sanctions will encourage a new wave of Russian military aggression.
Fact 5: Russian Aggression Has Led To Dire Humanitarian Impacts
Russian aggression against Ukraine has left about 9940 people killed and up to 23455 wounded (UN data).
As of today Russia continues to illegally occupy Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea (26 081 km²), the city of Sevastopol (864 km²), certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (16799 km²) — in total 43744 km² or 7,2% of the territory of Ukraine.
The occupied areas have become a territory of fear and terror, the occupying authorities act by repressive measures, resorting to systematic and large-scale violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Alarming human rights situation in occupied Crimea was condemned by the UN General Assembly Resolution 71/205 «Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)», adopted on 19 December 2016.
Economy of Donbas has been completely destroyed. Equipment of the main industrial facilities of Donbas was dismantled and transported to the territory of Russia. The situation with flooded mines threatens environmental disaster. Russian authorities do not allow access of experts to assess the threats and seek ways to mend the situation.
Fact 6: By Launching Military Aggression Against Ukraine, Russia Violated Fundamental Norms And Principles Of International Law, Bilateral And Multilateral Agreements.
Resorting to the military aggression against Ukraine, Russia violated fundamental norms and principles of international law, enshrined, in particular, in:
- UN Charter (1945);
- Helsinki Final Act (1975);
- Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the UN Charter (1970);
- UN GA Resolution 3314 “Definition of Aggression” (1974);
- Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty (1965);
- Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States (1981);
- Declaration on the Enhancement of the Effectiveness of the Principle of Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force in International Relations (1987).
- Russia had also violated number of bilateral and multilateral agreements, namely:
- Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances related to the Ukraine’s accession to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (1994);
- Agreement on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation (1997);
- Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the Ukrainian-Russian state border (2003);
- Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on cooperation in use of the Azov Sea and Kerch Strait (2003);
- Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the status and conditions of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine (1999).
- Russian occupation and further attempted annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as Russian illegal actions in Donbas, fall under the definition of aggression according to the points а), b), c), d), e) і g) Art.3 of the Annex to UN General Assembly Resolution “Definition of Aggression” (3314(XXIX)). The following actions are a serious crime against international peace, which entails international responsibility of the Russian Federation at the state level and international criminal responsibility of its leadership.
Fact 7: Military Aggression And Hybrid Warfare Is Russia’s Standard Practice
Russia’s aggressive policy targets not only Ukraine. Russia violated territorial integrity of Moldova and Georgia, announced its territorial claims and the willingness to “protect” the Russian-speaking population in the Baltic States. Russia supports Eurosceptic and radical movements in Europe. It was registered that Russian special services interfered in the electoral campaign during the US presidential election in 2016, carried out cyber attacks against OSCE, Germany and France.
Russia’s brutal military campaign in Syria has resulted in an increased wave of refugees to Europe. There is much evidence of close relations between Russian special services and terrorist organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda.
Fact 8: Russian Aggression Can Be Stopped Only By Stepping Up Pressure On Kremlin
Political and economic sanctions were imposed on Russia in response to its aggression against Ukraine, therefore, stopping Russian military aggression against Ukraine and the reinstatement of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity may be the only reason for their cancellation. In other circumstances, Russia will continue its aggression, extending it to other states in the region.
What Are The Impacts On The World Today?
The continued conflict in Ukraine is causing extreme civilian harm and leaving millions without access to food, water and other essential supplies. Innocent civilians have been cruelly caught up in the conflict, with almost 19,000 casualties since February 24th 2022. More than 7,200 people have been killed, with the actual number likely much higher. Over 5.4 million have been internally displaced.
Starting in October 2022, waves of airstrikes left even more people across the country to face the cold without access to gas, electricity or centralized heating systems. In just one day in mid-November, over 7 million people were left without electricity due to the fighting.
In 2021, Ukrainian grain fed 400 million people around the world. For the first 5 months of the war, Ukraine was unable to export its grain through its primary shipping routes through the Black Sea.
Blockades of Ukrainian grain exports have worsened hunger in some of the world’s most vulnerable regions.
In East Africa, for instance, a perfect storm of continued drought, the blockade, and the economic fallout from the war is causing mass starvation.
As of November 2022, there are over 8 million refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe.
Poland has granted protection to over 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees while other nearby countries Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Moldova have each given safety to tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees. Czechia is currently the country hosting the most refugees per capita in Europe, having granted protection to almost half a million people.
Real Ways to Help Ukraine

- Raise your voice to support Ukraine and express your solidarity with the people. It is already a year since the full-scale war started and all this time Ukrainian people have been fighting heroically to protect their homes and families from Russian invasion.
- Share the information about the situation in Ukraine and raise awareness of your local community about real facts on the Russian-Ukrainian war. Help your local communities to know what is happening on the territory of the country which was attacked by its neighbor. The war continues breaking all international conventions and agreements. In the 21st century, the era of the rapidly developing science and technologies, bombs are being thrown on the houses of peaceful people while the country is being made to give up on its hopes and dreams to build a society of the democratic values and freedoms. The most serious violation of the people and country’s rights is trying to block their growth and development by war actions and death threats.
- Think about the ways to contribute to the economical situation of the country. Ukrainians do not give up on their homeland, believe in their victory and work to support the economy of Ukraine. Despite all electricity cuts and broken chain supplies, they continue working at their jobs and do their best in fulfilling their duties.
Think what economic value you can add to support Ukrainians and the economy in the country.
How Can You Support The Economy Of Ukraine?
- There are still ways to make import-export activities of the goods. The production in some areas is going on, so you can think about purchasing the goods which are in need in your place.
- Ukrainians are diligent and responsible employees. Due to the high level of education which complies in its quality with European standards and professional culture, they fulfill their professional duties in a timely and reliable manner. Being creative and knowledgeable, they are open for new projects and ideas, able to support your business plans or make suggestions on its improvement. You can consider employing Ukrainians either on-site or in a remote mode to work in your business.
- You can think about ordering production or servicing on behalf of your business to be done by Ukrainians. Being highly educated and responsible, they can develop products and deliver services on behalf of your company while living in Ukraine or in the place of their temporary stay. In this way, your business will have good chances to expand and rich new markets.
- Due to the massive destruction in some areas, businesses and productions had to close their factories and facilities and start looking for ways of moving to other areas. You can sponsor business relocation to the area of your country and become a partner in coordinating the business from your side.
- Ukrainian culture is rich in music, literature, modern and folk arts. You can consider translating from Ukrainian to your local languages to enrich literature of your community with new plots and culture or bring your texts, movies, literature to the audience of Ukraine, translating them into Ukrainian.
- In the field of arts, there can be performances and concerts of Ukrainian actors and singers organized in your area. Movies and documentaries can be shot either on life in Ukraine or launching new projects of films, movies and documentaries on culture, life, science and technology, history and so on.
Uniting our efforts and supporting each other, we can finally reach a goal of establishing a sustainable peaceful future for us, our children and our planet as a whole.
A tragedy in one part of the world definitely affects all other areas and people in terms of peace, economy, sustainability of our life today and in the future.
The primary right of any human being is a right for life in peace.
This must be a driving force of all actions and plans for now and in the future.