Course Duration/Credits:Five days/3.0 CEUs/30 PDHs
Course Duration/Credits
Five days/3.0 CEUs/30 PDHs
Course Description
This hands-on, highly-interactive course includesvarious practical sessions and exercises. Theorylearnt will be applied using our state-of-the-artsimulators.
Plant modifications are an ongoing process throughout the life of any process plant. Reasons for modification include efforts to improve reliability, production capacity, quality, or productivity. Seamless incorporation is the key concern associated with the installation of any new equipment in an operating plant due to the high cost of process downtime. Several steps shall be taken to minimise the risk associated with the installation of new equipment such as hazard and operability studies, project management, development of redundancy plans, and commissioning of the new equipment.
Start-up and commissioning are essential activities in all Process Plants – modifications projects and have significant implications for project success. Yet paradoxically they tend to be approached in an ad hoc manner. Commissioning is often included in project plans, so it is not that people are ignorant. However, there is usually a lack of systematic approaches to commissioning, so it is frequently left to tradespeople and plant operators to manage in whatever way they see fit. This is an undesirable situation since it results in unpredictable outcomes. In some cases it can even cause serious problems. Lack of experience in dealing with these problems has frequently resulted in prolonged and costly start-ups, caused by inadequate preparation for the events of start-up.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide participants with an up-to-date overview of the start-up and commissioning of Ethylene Plants including troubleshooting of the start-up process. It includes the methodology for start-up and commissioning of Ethylene plants, which can be used when commissioning a new plant, or for modified equipment in an existing facility, or in a turnaround, shutdown or overhaul scenario. It takes the approach that commissioning is a series of checks and counter-checks to confirm every unit in the process plant is fit for purpose and suitable for operation.
During the course, each participant will gain enough skills to anticipate and avoid problems associated with start-up processes. Participants will gain a satisfactory understanding of the commissioning strategy, organizational issues, estimation of required resources, CPM planning, mechanical integrity, troubleshooting, start-up operations, technical inspection, instrumentation/control systems, HSE and other necessary knowledge associated with the process plant start-up and commissioning. Actual case studies from around the world will be demonstrated to highlight the topics discussed.
Course Objectives
Upon the successful completion of this course, each participant will be able to:-
- Apply systematic techniques in Ethylene Plant start-up, commissioning and troubleshooting
- Carryout planning and preparation as well as cost estimation
- Discuss health, safety and environment, Ethylene Plant start-up management and develop process plant commissioning strategy
- Conduct mechanical integrity testing and pre-commissioning, technical inspection and dynamic hydraulic testing
- Explain construction completion and the importance of machinery commissioning
- Apply start-up operations, start-up progress monitoring and control as well as determine instrumentation and control systems in commissioning process
- Demonstrate performance trials, troubleshooting and problem solving
- Implement change management including operational techniques and post commissioning audit in process plants
Who Should Attend
This course provides a complete and up-to-date overview of the Ethylene Plants start-up and commissioning for those involved in the start-up operations of an Ethylene Plant. This includes production/operation engineers, team leaders, section heads, plant supervisors, plant operators, process engineers, project engineers, maintenance staff, technical staff and contractor personnel involved in project execution and plant start-up in Ethylene Plants and process industry. Mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control engineers who are involved in process plant start-up and commissioning will also benefit from this course.
Upon the successful completion of this course, each participant will be able to:
- Identify and explain the purpose and function of the main compressor components, the construction and operational constraints of centrifugal compressors and steam turbines
- Identify the cracked compressor & Steam Turbine systems and explain their operations
- Apply and gain an in-depth knowledge on monitoring techniques as applied to compressors and turbines
- Accomplish safe start up and shutdown of the Steam Turbine and compressor
- Accomplish complete Isolation of the Compression and Turbine systems and hand over for maintenance intervention
- Diagnose fouling and the effect of flow on thrust load and compressor efficiency
- Describe the different thermodynamic processes and parameters of head, efficiency, and power.
- Identify and appreciate the impact of suction condition variations (molecular weight/composition, pressure, temperature and inlet gas density) on compressor performance
- Explain the relationship between the compressor and system curves
- Measure compressor performance in the field and how to interpret the results
- Be familiar with the most commonly used capacity control systems
- Appreciate how the design of an overall plan control scheme relates to the compression system
- Have a thorough understanding of surge and its consequences for the machine
- Understand the principles of more complex anti-surge control systems
- Appreciate how to prevent a compressor surging on trip and the use of hot-gas bypass valves
- Be able to explore typical compressor operating scenarios (including startup) and identify commonly encountered problems
Who Should Attend
This course provides an overview of all significant aspects and considerations of cracked gas compressor and steam turbine operations and troubleshooting for:
- facilities Operators, Supervisors, Engineers and Technicians in Production/Operation, Engineering and Maintenance
- Anyone who wishes to update themselves on Operation & Maintenance Engineering Technologies, judges the suitability of these technologies for their needs, and learns how to implement them for the benefit of their organizations
- Engineers with little previous knowledge of compressors and who are involved in the design, control, operation or commissioning of process plants.