Intensive courses of Russian are aimed to enhance the Russian literacy and Russian culture awareness in the Turkish community.
The overall content of the course entails teaching Russian through interaction with experts and native speakers of the Russian Language.

The tentative content of the course “Basic Russian” covers the following topics:
Week 1 – Reading: alphabet, letters (by the end of the class the students are able to read and write down simple words) Speaking: sounds, sound combinations, simple words. Conversation: greetings. Listening: sounds, sound combinations, simple words. Writing: sounds, sound combinations, simple words.
Week 2 – Reading: alphabet, simple words; Speaking: basic vocabulary, personal pronouns, Topic “Greetings”, plural form of nouns, genders; Listening: Basic vocabulary, personal pronouns, intonation in statements and questions; Writing: simple words.
Week 3 – Reading: simple words and sentences; Speaking: Basic sentences. Topics: Greetings. Acquaintance. Jobs. Listening: Basic vocabulary, personal pronouns, intonation in statements and questions; Writing: simple words and sentences – copying and dictating.
Week 4 – Reading: words, sentences, short texts and conversations; Speaking: Basic sentences. Topics: Greetings. Acquaintance. Numbers. Basic commands; Listening: Basic sentences, commands, short conversations.
Week 5 – Reading: words, sentences, short texts and conversations; Speaking: Basic sentences. Topics: Greetings. Acquaintance. Numbers. Basic commands. Shopping. Question-Answer. Weather. Listening: Basic sentences, commands, short conversations. Writing: simple words and sentences – copying, dictating, writing on one’s own.
Week 6 – Reading: words, sentences, short texts and conversations; Speaking: Greetings. Acquaintance. Numbers. Basic commands. Shopping. Question-Answer. Family. Professions. Numbers; Listening: Sentences, commands, short conversations and texts; Writing: words and sentences – copying, dictating, writing on one’s own.
Week 7 – Reading: words, sentences, short texts and conversations; Speaking: Greetings. Acquaintance. Numbers. Basic commands. Shopping. Question-Answer. My family. Professions. Daily routines. Time; Listening: Sentences, commands, short conversations and texts; Writing: words and sentences – copying, dictating, writing on one’s own.
Week 8 – Reading: words, sentences, short texts and conversations; Speaking: Greetings. Acquaintance. Numbers. Basic commands. Shopping. Question-Answer. My family. Professions. Daily routines. My house; Listening: Sentences, commands, short conversations and texts; Writing: words and sentences – copying, dictating, writing on one’s own.
Week 9– Reading: words, sentences, short texts and conversations; Speaking: Greetings. Acquaintance. Numbers. Basic commands. Shopping. Question-Answer. My family. Professions. Daily routines. My house. My city; Listening: Sentences, commands, short conversations and texts; Writing: words and sentences – copying, dictating, writing on one’s own.
Week 10 – Summing up – Reading: words, sentences, short texts and conversations; Speaking: Greetings. Acquaintance. Numbers. Basic commands. Shopping. Question-Answer. My family. Professions. Daily routines. My house. My city; Listening: Sentences, commands, short conversations and texts; Writing: words and sentences – copying, dictating, writing on one’s own.