At the online meeting, hosted by Memiş Kütükcü, Head of the Konya Chamber of Industry, Prof. Dr. Şahap Kavcıoğlu, President of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), stated that Turkish economy model is focused on investment, production and exports.
During the meeting, Prof. Dr. Şahap Kavcıoğlu mentioned the efforts of the Central Bank to fight inflation in the country.
Kavcıoğlu stated that they are making efforts to cope with the inflation in the country, though it is important that all industrial sectors support the Central Bank’s struggle to eliminate the volatility in exchange rates and reduce inflation.
Stating that the Turkish economy model is focused on investment, production and exports, and in this respect the Central Bank has been developing important financial instruments to strengthen this model, Kavcıoğlu said, “Sustainable price stability can be achieved with the current account balance. As the Central Bank, we do our best to support investment, production and exports, to increase capacity utilization rates, and ensure that imported products are produced in Turkey for making it easier for the business world to access finance.”
Kütükcü, Head of the Konya Chamber of Industry, who conveyed the demands of the industrialists from Konya to Kavcıoğlu, stressed that high inflation and the meltdown in the working capital are the two most important problems at the moment, “We are under serious inflation pressure due to the price increase in almost every field, especially in commodities and energy. This pressure of inflation is literally melting the capital of our businesses. For a sustainable investment and production environment, our business world needs new financial mechanisms that will strengthen their working capital.”
As it is already known, the March inflation in Turkey increased by 5.46 percent compared to February.
While annual inflation was 61.14 percent according to TUIK data, the 12-month average rate of increase is 29.88 percent.
In March 2022, in terms of the main expenditure groups, clothing and footwear showed the least increase, that was 1.78 percent, housing – 1.84 percent, while entertainment and culture got the price increase in 2.78 percent. On the other hand, the main groups with the highest increase in March 2022 were transportation with 13.29 percent, education with 6.55 percent, restaurants and hotels with 6.04 percent, respectively.