Our Projects

IATELS – International Association for Technology, Education and Language Studies established in 2018 and sponsored by STARTINFORUM in all its projects and activities.

Nowadays the Association embraces the members and participants from more than 25 countries, organises international conference, develops publication plans, provides courses and trainings.

English Worldwide IATELS Academy was established in 2018 and continues to be supported by STARTINFORUM.

Since the year of its establishment, the Academy has been giving English courses and training to more than 10 000 students from different countries of the world including Albania, Indonesia, Turkiye, Ukraine, Bolivia, Czech Republic, etc.

Business Psychology is the unity which was established under the umbrella of IATELS with the aim to provide educational services, training and courses as well as conduct research in the field of business and organisational psychology.

The unit is also involved in organising international events in Business Psychology and Business Management.

ICLTE – International Conference on Language Studies, Translation and Education – was launched in 2018 as LASTE and continues its work annually.

The organisation of the Conference is supported by STARTINFORUM by coordinating the venue organisation, participants’ accommodation, conference infrastructure and publication plans.

ICPATME – International Conference on Education and Technology – held its first meeting in 2018 in Istanbul and continues its work annually embracing the participants from different countries of the world.

The main focus of the Conference is on developments, best practices and enhancements in education, nationally and globally, considering technological innovations and their implementations.

APBM – International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management – was initiated in 2020 and continues to be held annually.

The Conference focusses on theories, approaches and best practices in the fields of Psychology and Business.

The studies on social sciences concerning national and international social and economic processes are under the discussion too, comprising a dynamic picture of the global tendencies and approaches in humanities, economics, psychology, social and emotional well-being.

STARTINFORUM established and continues coordinating the publication activities of a peer-reviewed international academic journal IJPATME.

The journal publishes papers on education and technology, social studies, learning and teaching, policies in education, language teaching, social issues, organisations and other topics related to the profile of the journal.

STARTINFORUM provides publishing services for books, manuals, conference proceedings, textbooks, journal and other printed production.

The company team is also involved in the activities of developing books contents, reviewing and editing, language services for manuscripts, graphic design for the book covers and illustrations.

The print production is in the fields of academic studies, education, research, language education, social studies.

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