Choosing Turkey to Improve Your Health? Here are Some Things to Consider

Choosing Turkey to Improve Your Health? Here are Some Things to Consider

With opening borders and making tourism more and more available in terms of travel regulations, finance, a variety of the traveling means and affordable destinations, medical tourism has gained a special place and becomes more and more popular among customers of all social groups and levels.

Why To Search for Health Services Abroad?

Reasons for Growth in Demand for Medical Tourism / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

Being not satisfied with the local health services, their costs or due to the absence of some services, patients start looking for the medical opportunities in other countries.

When we think about health services, moreover in a different country, there are several things which are usually taken into consideration according to the recent research data:

  • quality of clinicians;
  • quality of facilities;
  • reputation of the clinicians / hospitals;
  • information available and its accessibility;
  • price for services;
  • accessibility of the destination or easiness to travel
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Place to Receive Medical Services / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

The distribution of the tourists flow is quite different and it tends to change depending on the political and economic situations, powers of influence, reputation and costs, easiness to travel and attractiveness of the services themselves.

Tourism in the World / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

Among a variety of places and destinations for medical services and health tourism, Turkey has occupied a firm position with its attractive costs, quality of the hospitals, beautiful locations, speed of diagnostics and treatment provision.

Thanks to its geographical location Turkey has become Choice Number One for patience coming from Middle East and Europe, including neighbouring countries and those which are quite far (e.g. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, etc.).

Turkey as a Destination for Health Tourism / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

So, What Makes Turkey So Attractive in Terms of the Medical Services?

Together with a favourable geographical location and climate peculiarities, the country has gained a positive image worldwide due to a big variety of medical infrastructure and facilities.

The medical centres are equipped with modern diagnostic machines, tools and all necessary chemicals to make diagnostics quick and to provide necessary treatment prescriptions in a fast way for the patients to keep up with their travel plans.

Together with that, available language services make communication easy and understandable for all patients. Whether they are coming from Eastern Europe, West or from the Arab countries, they can find appropriate interpretation services, services for translation of their medical papers and prescriptions, to make the process really fast and comprehensible.

Strengths of Turkey as a Destination for Health Tourism / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

Dynamics in the popularity of Turkey as a Medical Destination can be checked on the picture below, starting from 2013 and coming up to 2020, when some fall can be observed due to the travel restrictions, caused by the global lockdown.

Dynamics of the Medical Tourists Flows to Turkey / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

Stabilising the global situation in terms of traveling is going to renew the flows of tourists coming to Turkey with a purpose to find better medical solutions and services for their health.

Meanwhile this time can be used to rethink and to revaluate potential of the country in the global market of the medical services and to consider its weaknesses contrasting with the achievements of the main competitors.

Among the weaknesses to be considered is the absence of standards on the medical services, discrepancy of provision available in private and public hospitals, necessity to enhance the medical staff’s competences on the patients’ rights, international regulations, and so on.

Weaknesses to Consider for Enhancing Medical Services for International Patients in Turkey / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

Together with that the hospitals and doctors working in Turkey still need international branding for their services to be known and accepted at the international level.

With the enthusiasm of the local medical business, high standards for the medical education in the country, encouraging the most talented students to choose medicine as a profession and pursue medical career with the support of the government, it is certain that the medical sector of Turkey will continue developing and gaining more popularity worldwide.

Despite national enthusiasm there are still things to consider on the way to improvements and development and namely some threats which cannot be ignored.

Among them is political instability, strong international competitions and some other factors which can be checked on the picture below.

Threats to Consider in Developing Medical Tourism in Turkey / Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey), at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management


Burtan Doğan, B., & Aslan, A. (2019). Türkiye’de Sağlık Turizminin Mevcut Durumu ve Ülke Ekonomisine Katkıları. 9(18), 391-420.

Saglık Turizmi Verileri. (2021). 10 28, 2021 tarihinde USHAŞ: adresinden alındı

SHGM Sağlık Turizmi Daire Başkanlığı. (2021). Ministry of Health: adresinden alındı

Tengilimoğlu, D. (2021, Ekim). Sağlık Turizmi. Eskişehir.

Uysal Şahin, Ö., & Şahin, M. (2018). Türkiye’de Sağlık Turizminin Potansiyeli ve Geleceği: SWOT Analizi. Journal of Awareness, 3(Special Issue), 287-300. doi:10.26809/joa.2018548638

The overview is based on the materials of the research and presentation done by Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alper Guzel (Gazi University, Turkey) at APBM 2021, II International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management

More information on the medical tourism in Turkey, suggestions, recommendations together with consultancy and translation for individuals and groups who would like to visit Turkey for the health purposes can be received by contacting us at



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StartinForum Uluslararası Danışmanlık Ticaret LTD Şirketi


New Rules for the Sale of Mortgage Apartments have been launched in Ukraine

New Rules for the Sale of Mortgage Apartments have been launched in Ukraine

The Law “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Elimination of Disagreements and Modernization of the Sale of Property in Mortgage and Enforcement Proceedings” came into force. It is published on the Act’s page of the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

The law eliminates differences and modernizes the sale of property in mortgages and introduce the enforcement proceedings. 

The Act improves the existing system of the seized property sale together with the system of notarizing the sales and ensuring the indisputability of the mortgagee’s rights when meeting their claims.

The seized property is sold through electronic auctions or at a fixed price. The realization at a fixed price is applied to property, the estimated value of which does not exceed 30 minimum wages.

The realization at a fixed price is not applicable to real estate, vehicles, aircraft, sea and river vessels, regardless of the value of such property.

The procedure for conducting electronic auctions will be determined by the Ministry of Justice.

Immovable property, which is not sold at an electronic auction, is put up for a repeated electronic auction at a price of 85 percent, and movable property at 75 percent of its value, determined according to the procedure, established by Article 57 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings.

In case of repeated non-sale of property, real estate is put up for the third electronic auction at a price of 70 percent, and movable property at 50 percent of its value.

Unrealized property, confiscated by a court decision, is put up for a repeated electronic auction at a price not less than the amount of national taxes and fees that, according to the Tax Code, are payable in transactions, involving the sale of such property.

If the recoverer provides their consent, the third electronic auction is carried out by selling property with the possibility of lowering the initial price, but not less than 60 percent of its value for real estate and 30 percent for movable property.

If the property is not sold at the third electronic auction, the executor informs the claimant about this and invites them to resolve the issue of retaining unrealized property, except for property confiscated by a court decision.

The property is transferred to the claimant at the price of the third electronic auction or at a fixed price. The executor issues a resolution on the transfer of property to the recoverer in repayment of the debt. 

On the fact of such a transfer, the performer draws up an act. The decision and the act are the basis for further registration by the claimant of the ownership of such property.


Economic Truth

Act’s page of the website of the Verkhovna Rada

Translated by STF Translation

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