Summer Intensive Program “Learn Turkish in Turkiye”

We are inviting you to our intensive summer programs 

Learn Turkish in Turkey!

It is already our second year as we are organising the summer school  intensive programs for foreigners who are interested to learn the Turkish language and culture from the first hands, immersing themselves in the original cultural settings and experiencing life in Turkey.

More than 5000 applicants sent their papers to be enrolled in our summer programs. 

The geography of the applicants covered such countries as India, Pakistan, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, and many others.

Some applicants won full and partial scholarships from the program organisers to enable them to join the summer programs.

As the program was a great success and in a big demand from the international students of different countries we are opening the intensive summer programs of Turkish in 2019 again.

Learn Turkish in Turkey: Description of the Program

Location: Bolu (Turkey) 

Bolu is a lovely city between Ankara and Istanbul with lofty mountains, thick forests, lakes and streams.

It is a city in the west of the Black Sea region presenting an important midpoint between the capital city of Ankara and Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul. 

It is famous for its mountain location, green forests and the nearby Lake of Abant.

The city is located on the old highway which connects Istanbul to Ankara as it climbs over Mount Bolu.

The distance from Istanbul to Bolu is about 240 km, Ankara is 143 km away from the city. Bolu is easily reachable from all the airports of Istanbul and  Ankara by bus. 

More about the city can be found here

In the calm and peaceful atmosphere of the city, surrounded by the mountains and the natural beauty of the lakes and virgin woods, our guests will be able to combine learning with exploring the nature, culture and the life styles of Turkey how they are nowadays.

Duration and Dates of the Summer School Sessions 

The duration of the program is 15 days including the days of arrival and departure.

I   –  17.06.19 – 30.06.19

II  –  01.07.19 – 14.07.19

III –  16.07.19 – 28.07.19

IV –  29.07.19 – 11.08.19

V  –  12.08.19 – 25.08.19

The arrival date is considered the one before the date indicated as the beginning of the program. 

You are invited to choose the month and apply to one of the sessions to learn Turkish and explore Turkey! 

Groups of applicants are going to be collected from the airport in Istnabul (Ankara) on the day before the starting date of the program and brought to Bolu.

The last date of the program is considered as a date of departure. On this date the group of the students are going to be transferred to the airport of Istanbul (Ankara).


During the Turkish Summer School the applicants will learn Turkish with the highly qualified teachers of Turkish teachers in small groups up to 10 people in class.

The teaching program is organised in a way to learn the language and practice communicative skills both in the class and outside within the local community to learn more about people and culture of Turkey.

The formal and informal teaching covers 6 hours per day during 10 working days of the summer school, 60 hours total.

Other time is devoted for the cultural tours, excursions, discussion clubs, picnics and other activities aimed to get the most out of the program about the Turkish language and culture within the program time.

The groups are going to be formed mainly depending on their prior levels of Turkish. 

Other issues can be considered as well to guarantee maximum productivity of learning and comfort of communication.

We are international community, therefore, the language of instruction can be adjusted to the languages our applicants are speaking.

The formal education will take place in the premises of Turkuaz College (Bolu).

Cultural Program and Extracurricular Activities 

The informal activities are organised in the time after the classes and during the weekends. They include excursions, informal gatherings, sightseeings, and other activities entailing the interaction with the local community and learning about the Turkish culture.

The extracurricular activities will be organised in the city cafes, at the lakes of Bolu, and other attractions of the city and its surrounding. 

How to Apply

To apply for the program you have to be at least 14 years old.

You have to submit a file containing:

  • your passport photo;
  • passport number;
  • short bio (name, surname, date of birth, gender, education, current occupation, address, telephone, email, your current level of Turkish; aims of learning Turkish, special info if needed concerning your joining the program);
  • dates of the program preferred;
  • a slip of the bank transfer of the registration fee.

All files collected must be mailed as one mail to

at least 2 weeks before the beginning of each program session!

Registration Fee

Registration fee covers:

  • Transfer from the airport and back;
  • Formal education program;
  • Informal activities (1 picnic; 2 cultural tours, informal gatherings, etc);
  • Teaching materials;
  • Accommodation in the hostel (male/female)***;
  • 2 meals  per day during 15 days;
  • Assistance and consultancy along the registration process and all the summer school duration;
  • Certificate about the program participation

The group applications can be considered as a subject for the discounted registration!

***Accommodation can be changed according to the applicants’ preferences. In this case the registration fee will be recalculated considering the type and the rates of the accommodation preferred.

Please email the copy of your transfer to

  • Cancellation Policy: Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent to the conference organisation by email at 
  • In case of the cancellation the registration fee is not refunded. 
  • In case the Summer School Program cannot be held or is postponed due to the events beyond the control of the organisers (Force majeure), the program organizers cannot be held liable by attendees for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, financial losses, etc. 
  • Under these circumstances, the program organisers reserve the right to either retain the entire registration fee and to use it for future programs, or to reimburse the attendee after deducting costs already incurred for the program by the organisers and which could not be recovered from third parties.

Contact Us

STARTINFORUM Uluslararası Danışmanlık Ticaret LTD Şirketi,  

Tabaklar Mah., Cumhuriyet Cad., 32 / 26, Bolu, Turkey, 14000


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